Written by Cindy Luong, Communications Intern.
On June 29th, I was able to join the Career Exploration interns as we welcomed the panel of Enterprise program graduates who are also former and current Enterprise Youth Council Members. Our presenting guests that day were Lindsey, Gordon, Lamiya, Elizabeth, Katalina, and Jefferey.
To break the ice and get everyone warmed up, everyone shared their responses to the question, “Which Enterprise core value do you resonate with most—integrity, community, growth, or youth empowerment?” It was great to hear what the youth had to say, as most resonated with community and growth. One youth specifically said, “Nothing can work without community.” I thought that quote stood out and really resonated with Enterprise’s mission and overall purpose.
Some highlights of the meeting were made by alumni who are now either staff members or program assistants. Here are a few highlights of two of the guest speakers:
Lindsey, a rising freshman at City College of San Francisco studying Biology, participated in Enterprise’s Green Careers Internship, Youth Council, Sephora, Gap Inc., and API Scholarship.
She said that each internship taught her leadership skills and to be more outgoing. This year she is a Program Assistant for the Career Exploration Internship where she got to support staff and youth throughout the internship.
Gordon, a sophomore at UCLA, participated in Enterprise for Youth’s Retail Internship. He worked at the 4th and Market Old Navy, helping customers make informed purchasing decisions. He found this internship to be his favorite and said he developed the most from it. At first he shared that he was super nervous to talk to the customers, but overtime he found himself coming out of his shell and approaching customers to ask if they need help got easier and easier, building his confidence when speaking with his peers or customers. This year Gordon became a Program Assistant for the Career Exploration Internship where he supported staff and youth throughout the program.
At the end of the panel, youth had an opportunity to ask the guest speakers some great questions. Their questions ranged from advice on life, to college experiences during the pandemic. Advice that resonated with me most was to take advantage of the opportunities given to you! You never know where or when you will end up finding your passion. Enterprise for Youth is a great source for those who are wanting to explore different fields to find what sparks their interests. Special thanks to all the guest speakers Lindsey, Gordon, Lamiya, Elizabeth, Katalina, and Jefferey for sharing their inspiring stories!