Author: Alex Berg

  • An Internship That Would Change Me for Life

    An Internship That Would Change Me for Life

    A speech by Liberty La delivered to a crowd of 180 guests at Enterprise for Youth’s annual dinner celebration, Heroes at Work. Liberty was the final of three youth speakers to share their personal stories and how Enterprise’s programs impacted them.  “Enterprise for Youth isn’t just a place where teens and young adults get job…

  • Introducing Youth Keynote Speakers: Heroes at Work 2023

    Introducing Youth Keynote Speakers: Heroes at Work 2023

    On May 4, 2023, three Enterprise youth will take the stage at our annual dinner, Heroes at Work, to share their personal stories of growth and transformation. Enterprise for Youth connects young people to career pathways while building their interpersonal and technical skills to help them succeed in the workplace and also in their personal…

  • Trying something new: from science to art

    Trying something new: from science to art

    It’s not often we get the opportunity to try something new outside our career focus. Jasmine Gong got to push herself outside her comfort zone in her internship with Jenny Lemons in the Fall of 2022. Photos of the various products sold at Jenny Lemons Jenny Lemons is an arts and crafts boutique located in…

  • The Inside Scoop: Refuse Refuse

    The Inside Scoop: Refuse Refuse

    Climate Career Corps intern Felix Lin talks about his illuminating experience interning with Refuse Refuse. Refuse Refuse San Francisco has been our partner since 2022. They are a grassroots organization dedicated to cleaning up the streets of San Francisco through organized volunteer efforts and policy activism. Enterprise for Youth departmental intern Tiffany Liang shadowed Climate…

  • Babylon Burning: Dedicated Partner since 2018

    Babylon Burning: Dedicated Partner since 2018

    On December 5, 2022, our partner Babylon Burning was nearly destroyed in the wake of a devastating fire. Since its conception in 1976, the locally owned and run print shop has been a monument to, and a promoter of, authentic San Franciscan culture, creating some of the first shirts for groups such as the Sisters…

  • Immigrating to the US and Finding Work

    Immigrating to the US and Finding Work

    [Enterprise for Youth] has been the best experience I ever had because I did not think that I would go so far at my young age.”– Lesli Meija de Paz, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) intern, 2022 Donate Today Lesli Mejia de Paz became independent at the age of 15. “I separated myself from my parents and…