Growing To Be A Program Assistant

At Enterprise for Youth, our Program Assistants are key players who work closely with Enterprise staff and Job Coaches to ensure a positive, welcoming, and smooth experience for all Enterprise interns. Program Assistants are Enterprise alumni who are passionate about youth development, community engagement, and making a real impact in this world. We’ve had the pleasure of talking to some amazing Program Assistants and learning about their inspiring experiences of becoming Program Assistants and being an integral part of the Enterprise family. 

Jonathan Takeda

Summer Intern at UCSF Memory and Aging Center (2023)

Jonathan Takeda Headshot
  1. Where would you want to travel to if all the travel expenses for your trip were being paid?

I would probably travel to Japan because I’m Japanese and I have some family in Japan. The food in Japan is amazing and cheap. I think Japan has very nice scenery. I’ve been there once, but it was long ago, so I hope to be back soon. 

  1. What was your internship experience working with Enterprise for Youth prior to being a Program Assistant? 

I was part of the Career Exploration Program first during COVID-19, and it was cool listening to all the speakers talk about their career fields. Then, I had a remote internship with the UCSF Memory and Aging Center, and I was also in person for that internship this year. I worked in the Program Assistant role during those past two summers, where I helped with the Job Readiness Training with Meghan and also helped Nínive. 

  1. Why did you want to take on the role of a Program Assistant? 

I wanted to give back to the Enterprise community because of how much they’ve done for me, my family, and my sister. I want to show my appreciation to the organization and staff for all the advice and network I have built within the organization, so I always come back to Enterprise to see if they need help.

  1. What does a typical day look like as a Program Assistant? 

I would say you have to make sure you’re organized because you are responsible for some youth, and you want to be prepared for any questions they could ask and any situations where you want to lead them in the right direction. It is also important to stay happy and positive to make the youth motivated and let the staff know if anything goes wrong. 

  1. What is your favorite or most memorable memory of being a Program Assistant? 

I think when I was working a lot with the Climate Career Corps and Enterprise’s social media platforms, which was before Alex came on to the team. I helped create social media content and brainstorm ideas to enhance the social media pages. I enjoyed taking pictures, seeing the youth work, meeting the PAs, and promoting what the Climate Career Corps youth did that summer on social media. 

  1. What did you learn from being a Program Assistant?

I learned how to work with youth, make sure that they’re comfortable with their work, and keep them motivated because I think it’s hard to keep them motivated while on Zoom. My past PAs were really nice to me, and they motivated me to become a PA. 

  1. What would you tell your younger self about growing your career?

I would tell myself to try new things and take things a bit more seriously. I think I settled a little bit when I was younger. There were times when I could have taken a lot of opportunities, but that’s why the internships with Enterprise for Youth have made me embrace and manage my time where I could use the most of it. It also made me appreciate what I’m doing and the experiences I’ve been through. 

Andrea Lopez

Climate Career Corps Program Assistant (2022, 2023)

Andrea Lopez Headshot
  1. Where would you want to travel to if all the travel expenses for your trip were being paid?

I would go to Santorini because I love the history of Greece and all the landscapes.

  1. What was your internship experience working with Enterprise for Youth prior to being a Program Assistant?

I started with Job Readiness Training like everyone, and then I got an internship at Sephora through the Career Experience Program. My experience working at Sephora allowed me to learn how to communicate with others and develop my passion for marketing as I participated in their marketing campaign. That’s part of why I decided to study business administration in marketing. When I started being a PA, it was very overwhelming for me when I realized all the responsibilities that I had on my hands. However, I eventually realized it was a rewarding experience due to all the people I met and helped me along the way. Therefore, I came back to be a PA again the following summer. 

  1. Why did you want to take on the role of a Program Assistant?

When I was a PA, I was in charge of the incoming students, and they were mostly Latinos. I felt closely related to them and passionate about helping them because I was once in their position, so I know how difficult it is to come to a new country where you don’t know the language and culture. I felt grateful to have the role to help them better understand the city. 

  1. What does a typical day look like as a Program Assistant? 

Be ready to always be on your email because you get emails from the Job Coaches and youth. Depending on the season, you will get emails from Enterprise staff about new directions and communications.

    I learned that you need to show your true self to learn and share your story. I also learned to appreciate the little moments in life. Being a PA, I saw interns start out having no clue of what was ahead of them this summer, and at the end of the summer, they turned into little experts in their field. The knowledge that I got from the interns and the knowledge that they got from me makes this PA experience unforgettable.

      I would tell myself not to be scared of asking questions and not be afraid to put myself out there. When I first came to America, I was very shy, but my world expanded more as I got involved with extracurricular activities and talked to people. I would tell my younger self not to miss any opportunity I get, such as presentations, extracurricular activities, or any volunteer work, to get the most out of life.

      Jialin Yu

      Job Coach for Retail Power Camp (2022, 2023)

      Jialin Yu Headshot
      1. Where would you want to travel to if all the travel expenses for your trip were being paid?

      I’ve been thinking about traveling because I’m in my fourth year of university and I don’t know if I want to take a gap year or continue working. If I could have an all-expense paid trip, I would probably go to London or a European country because I would want to immerse myself in a different culture and see what it is like over there. 

      1. What was your internship experience working with Enterprise for Youth prior to being a Program Assistant?

      Prior to my experience being a PA, I was a Job Bank intern, where I managed the Job Bank aspects such as reaching out to employers, organizing the Job Bank, and promoting it. I enjoyed my experience as a Job Bank intern because I did not expect to get my hands on so many different tasks. I was exposed to more of the marketing side, like creating flyers and sending newsletters. It was my favorite part of the internship because I got to be creative and add my personal touches. I have learned much from Enterprise for Youth because I joined Enterprise in high school and participated in the This Way Onward program. It feels like a full circle now that I am working internally. Through this internship, ​​I have grown much as an individual in my professional career. My public speaking has been so much better just because I had to facilitate the retail party camp alone. I’m grateful to have had these experiences because they added to my growth.  

      1. Why did you want to take on the role of a Program Assistant?

      Retail Power Camp was a curriculum to help youth interested in getting their first job in retail. We host workshops to help them understand customer service and give them experiences like presentations and interviews. Many of our curriculums have a lot of transferable skills that students can take with them throughout their professional careers. I was able to guide them but also watch them take the information and land their first interviews, and then some of them got their first jobs, which was pretty rewarding. A part of being a PA is seeing the students you have been mentoring succeed in their roles and grow from the experience that Enterprise gave them. On top of my Job Bank intern title, I grew more in my role in Enterprise. I could even work alongside Meghan, the Senior Director, and I had to give her instructions, which felt quite weird. Seeing her advise me and the students helped open a new perspective on ways to approach certain things efficiently and facilitate.

      1. What does a typical day look like as a Program Assistant? 

      I took more time preparing for the workshops than doing them themselves because it was my first time facilitating. I tried to be knowledgeable on all the curriculums I was teaching and see what I could add to it for the workshops to go well. It was super important to have those clear responsibilities, and delegating specific tasks to people was helpful in the long run. Keeping students engaged throughout the workshop was challenging because some spoke up more than others. Additionally, I had to ensure that after each workshop, we implemented the feedback the students and our team gave us in the following workshops.

      1. What is your favorite or most memorable memory of being a Program Assistant? 

      One of the most memorable was the first day because I had no idea what to expect and was so nervous. Thankfully, I had a team that supported me, and we worked well together. There were so many uncertainties and technological issues, and communication was needed between the youth and us on the first day, which made it overwhelming. During the debrief, all I thought about was how bad it went, but my team’s reassurance helped me calm down, and it went better than it was in my head. 

      1. What did you learn from being a Program Assistant?

      I learned a lot from the role because it was new for me. Being open to feedback was very important because I could reflect on that feedback and rewind to think about what I could do better to help the youth next time. I used to be someone who could not take criticism at all, but I came to learn that feedback is necessary and never personal. Through getting feedback, the program and workshop become better over time, and it benefits Enterprise, Enterprise youth, and staff. 

      1. What would you tell your younger self about growing your career?

      I would say fake it until you make it because no matter how much you prepare, sometimes things don’t always go perfectly. Nothing will go as planned; as scary as uncertainty is, it is just a part of life. Carrying yourself with confidence is so important because no one knows you are scared. As long as you look confident, that’s how people will perceive you. Even for my first workshop, I faked it until I made it because of my stress, even though I prepped so much for it. However, in the end, everything worked out.