Author: Alex Berg

  • Enterprise Has Allowed Me to Find the Light Through the Dark Tunnel

    Enterprise Has Allowed Me to Find the Light Through the Dark Tunnel

    Although we have faced unprecedented times over the past several months, Enterprise has allowed me to find the light through the dark tunnel.

  • Born a Crime—Like Having a Blindfold Removed

    Born a Crime—Like Having a Blindfold Removed

    In light of the current pandemic, Enterprise for Youth has started virtual internships. This has led to a multitude of new opportunities for youth like myself, one of which was a book club. The purpose of this activity was to learn leadership skills through studying the experiences and thoughts of different accomplished people, ranging from…

  • What do you want to be when you grow up?

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    “What do you want to be when you grow up?” An artist. In first grade, we were given an assignment to draw our ideal careers 20 years from the present. I naturally and promptly chose to be an artist because painting was an enjoyable hobby that made me feel elated. However, when I told people…

  • Top Advice for Young Professionals Pursuing Careers in Sports

    Top Advice for Young Professionals Pursuing Careers in Sports

    My name is Katalina Mendoza and I am a rising Junior in college. I am an Enterprise for Youth alumna and this summer I served as a teacher’s assistant in our virtual internship program. The interns in the program and I enjoyed an amazing array of professional visits, giving us insight into different careers, educational…

  • Everything We Did to Make the Most of Our Time Together on Zoom

    Everything We Did to Make the Most of Our Time Together on Zoom

    “No experience is a wasted experience,” said Angela Taylor to the interns in my breakout room. Ms. Taylor, an engineer at Google, was one the many panelists to join Enterprise for Youth’s internal internship program this summer. As I reflect on this experience, I am struck by just how relevant this approach to life is.…

  • Amplify the Ambition: A Story About Women Who Lead

    Amplify the Ambition: A Story About Women Who Lead

    My name is Pamela and I am 16 years old. This summer I am in an Enterprise (virtual) program where we explored a variety of careers and jobs as well as preparing for future jobs and opportunities. This morning a local author named Diana Kapp joined us for a Q and A conversation. Diana has…